Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Another Violent Ramadan in the House of Islam
Despite the platitudes by President Obama about Islam being based on peace, the cold reality is very different. After all, peace and Islam do not go hand-in-hand because Islamic Sharia law is not based on equality, on the contrary it is about the supremacy of Muslims over the non-Muslim dhimmis.
Also, the central aspect of Islam is clearly about Mohammed and not God. Muslims follow what Mohammed did and not what God ordained and for non-Muslims this appears that Muslims have a "duality" because God appears to come a poor second to Mohammed.
Yet when you delve into the reality of the real Mohammed then it is clear that modern Islam is based on the sayings of Mohammed, the life of Mohammed, and so forth. Did God ordain that old men can marry young children? Of course not, however, the marriage age of children in Saudi Arabia is based on Mohammed.
The Islamic concept is not about God but what Mohammed did. Therefore, because he married a young child it means that old Muslim males can marry very young children in the land of Mecca and Medina. The same applies to a multitude of sins which Mohammed did and said, and this is why violence, Mohammed, and Islam, are part and parcel of the same thing.
Therefore, violence during Ramadan is natural because Islam is based on the hatred of others and Islam justifies jihad, enslavement, murder of infidels and apostates, and so forth. Given this, the blood keeps running and flowing in accordance with the tenets of Islam and the life of Mohammed.
Mohammed stated to (Koran 9:29) "Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection."
Since Ramadan began in 2010 we have had countless suicide attacks or attacks against innocents in Afghanistan, Egypt, Iraq, Somalia, Pakistan, and other majority Muslim based nations. At the same time the last surviving Jain temple was attacked by Islamic zealots in Kashmir and Sikhs have been told to convert to Islam or face death in Pakistan.
Even during the ongoing flood tragedy in Pakistan you have no let up and no love or compassion amongst the religion of hate. This applies to Ahmadiyya Muslims being bypassed for economic aid at the expense of the dominant Sunni Muslim population.
However, Islam is based on "shaky grounds" because are we to really believe that Angel Gabriel was talking to Mohammed all the time? Also, when Mohammed was visiting all his wives, concubines, and child bride, then what was Angel Gabriel doing?
Therefore, the story of Mohammed in the later years when he obtained power is about his daily sexual drive and visiting all his females, while praying 5 times a day and talking to Angel Gabriel. Also, during jihadist attacks by Mohammed and massacring Jews and Pagans, we are meant to believe that all this was sanctioned by Angel Gabriel, which implies God.
Given this, the Muslim God allowed Mohammed to have more wives than any other Muslim male and the Muslim God allows Mohammed to kill and plunder and then enslave innocents who had been free.
It is sheer madness to anyone with a rational mind, however, this madness is ongoing and the liberal version in the West is very far from the real version. Therefore, just like the madness of Mohammed having sex with so many wives, a child, and several concubines, while still praying to God in between. The same twisted thought pattern continues within Islam in the 21st century, just like it had in the 7th century.
Therefore, modern day Islamic jihadists pray to God and kill, and then pray again to God and somehow they believe that this is holy. However, what was holy about Mohammed and what is holy about Islam?
The liberal West is "prostituting itself" in the name of political correctness, the fear of being deemed religionist, and because of the inherent weaknesses within the democratic system. This in turn enables Islamists to spread their evil message via a dual policy.
On the one hand we have radical Islamists being given a safe haven in America, the UK, India, and other democratic nations, and this can be seen by homegrown terrorists and radical organizations. Yet on the other hand we have the dual aspect based on "stealth jihad," whereby converts or liberal Muslims or Muslims espousing taqiyya and kitman are laying the foundation for the destruction of the host nation.
India is a prime example, after all they faced the "duality" of this Islamic jihad and this jihad is still ongoing in India. The Buddhists and Hindus, and others like the Jains and Sikhs, were shown the sword of Islam and many heads were beheaded in the name of Mohammed and so-called Islamic justice. At the same time the Sufi's were sent to India in order to create confusion and many converts to Islam were also gained this way.
This is one form of the "stealth jihad" but you have so many ways of creating confusion in order to obtain power by deception. Therefore, the words by President Obama about Islam and peace and the ongoing situation about a new mosque being built so close to September 11th is part and parcel of this duality.
Therefore, behind the real Ramadan is death and violence but world leaders and companies will prostitute themselves for oil, business contracts, and other factors. The same applies to mega banks who desire to enter the Islamic banking sector.
Given this, it is yet another bloody Ramadan and the religion of jihad and stealth jihad continues to wage an "open war" and a "hidden war." Of course, the "hidden war" is much more dangerous and because of people like President Obama and political leaders in the UK, the advancement of Islam continues under the banner of "peace."
However, "real Islam" can be seen by "the soul of Ramadan" which still witnesses death, terrorism, forced dhimmitude, and persecution. Even during the so-called holy period of Islam it is the same; death, terror, hatred, jihad, and stealth jihad.
Lee Jay Walker


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